Viral Diseases Affecting Hot Pepper Production in Penal Rock Road, Trinidad

 Leaf Curl Virus 

Name of crop: Hot Pepper

Scientific Name: Capsicum chinense

Name of Disease: Leaf Curl Virus

Vector: Insects - Whiteflies

Pathogen: Pepper Leaf Curl Virus/ Gemini-virus


Leaf Curl Virus 

Implication of Disease: Viral Diseases negatively affects plant productivity by reducing photosynthesis rates which consequently reduces plant yield.

Field Symptoms: Leaves are small and curl upwards. Initially younger leaves had their leaves curled upwards then the express on the entire plant was seen. Interveinal chlorosis/ yellowing of leaves.

Leaf Curl on Younger Leaves

Leaf Curl On Younger Leaves

Leaves curled upwards on plant

Interveinal chlorosis on leaves

Leaf Curl on the entire plant

Management Practices for Leaf Curl Virus:

  • Weed management to control insect infestation
  • Removal of plants that show symptoms of viral diseases. The plants should be destroyed by burning.
  • Use healthy pathogen free seeds.
  • Select pest resistant varieties of seeds.

Leaf Crinkle

Name of crop: Hot Pepper

Scientific Name: Capsicum chinense

Name of Disease: Leaf Crinkle

Vector: Insects such as whiteflies and aphids

Pathogen: Leaf Crinkle Virus 

Field Symptoms: Mottled and crinkled appearance of leaves which affects both young and older plants.

Leaf crinkling on young hot pepper plants

Leaf crinkling on mature plants

Management Practices for Leaf Crinkle Virus:

  • Weed management to control insect infestation. Use higher planting densities to suppress weed growth.
  • Removal of plants that show symptoms of viral diseases. The plants should be destroyed by burning.
  • Use healthy pathogen free seeds.
  • Select pest resistant varieties of seeds.
  • Practice crop rotation to prevent pathogen reoccurrence. 
